Friday, September 21, 2012

Pyramid Lab!

Simple Machines make our lives easier!
 This week in Physics, we got the opportunity to do the Pyramid Lab. It was really hands on. We were constantly collecting data. We wanted to discover how distance and force were related and if they were universally conserved. We put a toy car on the ramp and a force probe to determine how much force it took to pull the car up the ramp.

Equation Used:
W=FD- Work equal Force Multiplied by Distance

What did you learn?
I that that forced and distance were related to each other inversely. They are universally conserved. I learned that when distance increases, the force decreases and when force increase, the distance decreases!

How is this connected to the world?
This is connected to skateboarding. When Tony Hawk is skating down the ramp, the longer/steeper it is, the less force it requires and the less he has to work. But if he's just skating down the street he has work harder.

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