Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pulley Lab!

Last week in Physics, we were able to measure how much force(newtons) it takes lift a brass mass. To measure that, we got the opportunity to build a pulley! We used the pulley to lift a 200g brass mass, 10cm off the table.

In the Lab I learned that when using a pulley, they use less force and get more distance. When they don't use a pulley, they gave to used more force and get less distance. This Brings us into our real world connection. People use technology/machinery so they don't have to work as hard and in this case we get more out of it...

The Force vs. Distance Lab is connected our everyday lives in a very big was because elevators are very important with our transportation through tall buildings. Millions of America's population go up and down elevators daily wether it's at work, a hotel, or many other places

A diagram shows the arrangement of the elevator, cable, pulleys, motor and counterweight.
How an elevator works; Pulley System

1 comment:

  1. Great work! Thank you for referring the brass objects as "brass masses" - to highlight the difference between mass and weight. Make sure to always convert grams to kilograms. Also, just to clarify - people use simple machines to reduce the force (trade-off: increase the distance over which they apply the force) but the WORK is the same.
