Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hover Disc and Fan Cart Lab

Purpose: To understand Newtons 3 laws of motion. 

To Find the 3 laws of motion, we conducted an experiment using a hover disc that looked like  soccer balls. They moved really smoothly and it was a lot of fun! We also use carts powered by fans. We found out more about force, mass and acceleration. 

Hover Disk Lab

Big Question: What gives rise to a change in motion and?

We discovered forces between objects.
-Normal Force, Fn: acts Upward on an object (opposite direction of gravitational)
-Friction Force, Ff: the friction between to objects on contact
-Gravitational Force, Fg: Earth is pulling down on an object (gravity)
-For every action, theres an equal and opposite reaction meaning if two objects make contact, they will both exert an equal amount of force onto each other except they will be in opposite directions.

Real World Connection:
When 2 pool table balls collide they will exert the same amount of force on each other but they they will be in opposite directions..

Fan Cart Lab
Big Q: what's the relationship between mass, acceleration and force.

Lab Summary:
We used a fan cart with a constant force (No Net force) and put it on a track with the force probe. We would add different weight to the cart to find the relationship between the mass of the cart and the force and the acceleration that was measured as well using a logger pro.

We CONCLUDED that the relationship between mass and acceleration is indirect.
We derived the equation, f=ma: Force equals mass times acceleration.
Acceleration is depended on by the mass. 
Also, an object moving at constant speed will stay at that constant speed. An object with no motion, will remain motionless until force changes it.

So much knowledge!!!!!